The new Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT v5.0) goes live today

Insider advice: Start with the production of v4.0 first, followed by the production of v5.0. Here is why.
The parallel phase for the production of TPT versions 4.0 and 5.0 begins on 31 March 2020. Since the implementation status will not be the same for all customers, IDS has chosen the following procedure:
- First, TPT v4.0 will be produced as usual and distributed via the established delivery processes. This is intended to support customers in meeting delivery deadlines vis-à-vis investors.
- Only then will TPT v5.0 be created and delivered. Customers can use this version for test purposes and check how far its implementation has progressed.
- Production of version 3.0 will be discontinued on this date.
This approach prevents technical conflicts during the transfer and import of the two versions.
The TPT Version 5.0 for Solvency II briefly explained in 1 minute and 30 seconds.