Allianz publishes its Sustainability Report 2019

Allianz focuses on its commitment to long-term climate protection – both through its business activi-ties as an insurer and investor and its corporate operations. Like in previous years, the report gives an overview of a wide array of topics from how Allianz manages ESG risks and opportunities in its business, offers sustainable solutions, protects its customers, develops its people and engages in the community.
In this year’s report, Allianz discloses for the first time the carbon footprint of its proprietary listed equity portfolio. IDS is proud to have been part of this project by contributing to the portfolio carbon footprint analytics for the climate-related financial disclosure. The associated metrics can be found in section 05.6 METRICS AND TARGETS of the report and are based on the recommendations devel-oped by the G20 Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).